It's Slim and it's Alta
I love Fitbit. There, I said it. And I have been loving it for more than 4 years since the time I was first gifted my original Ultra. I clipped it on, walked 5k steps from day 1 and slowly averaged to 8k without any special effort. It was just an awareness, a heightened sense of personal glory and solid dollops of well-intentioned ego as I added and accepted friends on my list.

And then came the ways to cross 10k and the gym and the running and even the thumping of the hand on the steering wheel while driving (yeah, I did that too…)! All for those last few squeezed steps on the record to win.
Had the Zip, then the One, then the Flex (my real favourite) and finally got bossy with the Charge. All lasted for a while and then the sheer wear and tear – and this is the first time I realised what that term means, made it a thing of the past. I wore it and wore it and then the strap tore. Well, in its defense, they did last a better part of a year and I guess the accessories markets do need the occasional stimulation too – hence the changeable straps.
And then one day as I passed through the rigours of self stripping myself at an airport security gate, I lost my Fitbit. 2 disconsolate months have passed. I have lost my history. There is gaping hole in my life – the steps are missing. I have not slept well or rather, I don’t know if I have. And I was lost.
But now I have got me the new Alta. And its slim, and its cool and even though I have to crane my aching necks sometimes to read my display, I love it. Its been 2 days and I can’t stop admiring it.
I nearly bought the Surge – but then thought this GPS business is too much. I lusted for the Blaze, and then said, when I am ready it has to be the Apple Watch. Till then its Ulti Alta – The Ultimate in fitness tracking.